Dr. Elizabeth McMahon
Elizabeth McMahon, clinical psychologist, wife, mother, and devoted grandmother, died peacefully at her home in San Francisco on October 23.
May her memory be for blessing.
Dr. McMahon closed her practice in May of 2024. If you are a former client and want a copy of your records, or help with a referral, please leave a voicemail for Dr. Charlotte Tilson at 415-335-8640. As executor of Dr. McMahon's professional will Dr. Tilson will have access to Dr. McMahon's records until June 1, 2025.
For all other matters, please e-mail Chuck@Elizabeth-McMahon.com.
If you are looking for help with anxiety issues, you may find the information on this website to be helpful.
Here are some suggestions for people with anxiety:
If you fear panic attacks or panic symptoms: my client workbook, Overcoming Anxiety and Panic interactive guide explains in detail what happens in panic attacks and takes you step-by-step through a proven approach. Doing the steps recommended in this book has helped hundreds of people overcome panic and fear.
If you are looking for therapy for anxiety, panic, or phobias: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) including exposure therapy can be very helpful; you can find therapists offering CBT through www.ADAA.org, ABCT.org, www.psychologytoday.com, or your local, regional, state, and national (www.apa.org) psychological association websites. The combination of self-help through reading my client workbook or similar books and professional therapy can be particularly effective.
If you are looking for virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), see the list of VR therapists on www.vrttherapists.com. There are also these VR therapy resources in California (as of 5/29/24):
David Shoup, PhD (650-278-5217) website: https://practicalpsy.com
Kimberly Bullock, MD (650-714-1459) and the Stanford Psychiatry VR Clinic.
Virtual Reality Medical Center www.vrphobia.com
If you are a therapist interested in virtual reality therapy:
Read the therapist manual: Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety: A Guide for Therapists, and the client workbook: Overcoming Anxiety and Panic interactive guide.
View the simulated treatment of needle phobia using VR exposure and other resources on www.SVRT.org.
My 6-hour webinar is available from PESI: Virtual Reality (VR) for Anxiety and Phobia Treatment: A How To Guide to Using VR for More Practical, Rapid and Effective Exposure Therapy.
This website provides information for multiple audiences. Please read the parts that match your interests:
For information on anxiety treatment options for yourself, your friends, or family members, see the Client Information area starting with Alternatives to Anxiety Therapy, Benefits of VR Therapy and Welcome Clients.
To learn more about anxiety issues and therapy, see the Anxiety Treatments area starting with Anxiety Treatments Overview.
If you are a mental health professional or trainee interested in learning about effective anxiety treatments, see the Therapist Information starting with Welcome Therapists.