Therapist Training
These recorded trainings are available:
Virtual Reality (VR) for Anxiety and Phobia Treatment six hour CE course from PESI: https://catalog.pesi.com/item/virtual-reality-vr-anxiety-phobia-treatment-guide-vr-practical-rapid-effective-exposure-therapy-78551?
Virtual Reality Therapy: A Breakthrough in Treating Anxiety from APA 2020 WS #210: https://apa.content.online/catalog/product.xhtml?eid=22143
Treating Needle Phobia: Access a free recorded webinar and a video of a simulated session on www.SVRT.org: select Main Menu, then SVRT Offers, then Needle Phobia Training.
See also the list of VR training resources provided by the Society for Virtual Reality Therapy: www.svrt.org/vr-therapist-training-resources.